Monday, December 26, 2011

The Coaches of Team USA

After winning gold with his "Redeem Team" at the Beijing Games in 2008, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski was expected to hand the reins of Team USA to one of his assistants -- possibly Mike D'Antoni of the New York Knicks. But now it seems Coach K -- and his entire staff -- will return for the 2010 World Championships and the Olympic games London.

A win in London would tie Coach K with the legendary Hank Iba, who won Olympic Gold with Team USA in 1964 and 1968 -- and was robbed of a third when Russia won -- amidst massive controversy -- in 1972.

If you don't recognize some of the names on this list, don't be ashamed. In the early days of Olympic basketball, Team USA largely comprised of players and coaches from the top amateur teams in the country.

College coaches took over the job starting with Cal's Pete Newell in 1960 until 1992, when Chuck Daly, then coach of the Detroit Pistons, led the first squad of professionals -- the first "Dream Team" -- to Gold in Barcelona.

Krzyzewski was the first college coach to lead a team of professionals in the Olympics.

The Coaches of Team USA

1936James NeedlesUniversal PicturesGold
1948Omar BrowningPhillips 66ersGold
1952Warren WomblePeoria CaterpillarsGold
1956Gerald TuckerPhillips 66ersGold
1960Pete NewellCaliforniaGold
1964Hank IbaOklahoma StateGold
1968Hank IbaOklahoma StateGold
1972Hank IbaOklahoma StateSilver
1976Dean SmithNorth CarolinaGold
1984Bob KnightIndianaGold
1988John ThompsonGeorgetownBronze
1992Chuck DalyDetroit PistonsGold
1996Lenny WilkensAtlanta HawksGold
2000Rudy TomjanovichHouston RocketsGold
2004Larry BrownDetroit PistonsBronze
2008Mike KrzyzewskiDukeGold

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