Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NBA Lockout

The players could attempt to decertify the union in an attempt to stave off a lockout. You'd need a labor law expert to explain all the implications of that ploy, but here's a quick summary of what that would mean.

"Decertification" of the NBAPA would mean the union would no longer have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the players -- essentially making every NBA player an independent contractor. Such a move would give the players some flexibility; they could challenge the salary cap as an anti-competitive measure under anti-trust law, for example. But they'd also be giving up any collectively-bargained benefits (pensions, minimum salaries, etc.) It's an option for the players, but it's probably a last resort.

Sports law expert Michael McCann explained decertification in more detail in an interview with Sports Illustrated.

View the original article here

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